Finding Freedom through Friendship



In 2009, Finding Freedom through Friendship (FFF) launched in Guatemala, Central America working with widows and their children with nutrition, health and education.

Our organization expanded to add

other services such as lodging and microbusiness opportunities.

November 2016, FFF expanded to Egypt,

North Africa (Middle East).

In 2017, FFF launched the Karma Women’s Development Center in Minya to empower women and youth by training participants on a variety of tangible skills, personal development and spiritual growth to improve their social economic environment.



Finding Freedom Through Friendship

was established in 2009 by Jody Greenlee

after she witnessed the harsh conditions faced by

women and children while participating in

medical missions to Guatemala.

The founding board members realized the need for a

transitional social intervention program to guarantee

sustained good health and success for widows

and their children, and for economic empowermen to

promote women's rights and gender equality.

These facts provided the basis for FFF to instill independence and self-confidence in women to gain freedom, dignity, and security.

With the addition of Marguerite Doyle to the board in 2014,

FFF gained the ability and connections necessary to

take our program into Egypt.


Today, there are approximately 1.2 billion people who lack

access to electricity, 870 million are malnourished, and

780 million are have no access to clean, safe drinking water.

Below are the geographic areas we serve.

Culturally, poor women endure degradation, disrespect, and battery, leading to low self-esteem, lack of confidence, and faith.  And despite the critical roles played by women in supporting families, they continue to suffer from poor healthcare, education, and discriminatory policies. Educating women and girls in

life skills is one way to improve their economic situation, health, well being, and community influence.


