Finding Freedom through Friendship



is the single-most

important driver

of economics.


The scholarship program awards financial aid to top student achievers to  

  access higher education in high school, college, or technical schools.  

   Students selected for this program would not be able to achieve

    education beyond elementary school without FFF’s assistance. Our

   mission is to transform lives by removing financial barriers and

promoting educational excellence to foster positive change, uplift communities, and create a more equitable and prosperous world.

"Education is the most powerful weapon

of which you can use to change the world."

~ Nelson Mandela ~

•  Limited Access:  Access to higher education remains limited. The demand for university education exceeds the capacity of universities, leading to intense competition for limited spots.

• Infrastructure and Resources:   Some higher education institutions face challenges related to inadequate infrastructure and limited resources.

• Quality Disparities:  While there is a range of higher education institutions, there are significant disparities in terms of quality. This disparity in quality limits the opportunities available to students and affect their preparedness for the job market.



               While there have been significant strides in improving access to

          higher education in recent years, challenges and factors can still stifle           

     opportunities for higher education.

•  Financial Constraints:  Affordability is a significant barrier to higher education. Many students have financial constraints and need help covering tuition fees, accommodation, books, transportation, and other expenses.

•  Outdated Curricula:  The curricula of some higher education programs may not align with the rapidly evolving needs of the job market, resulting in a gap between graduates’ skills and the demands of employers, reducing their employability and limiting opportunities for career advancement.

•  Youth Unemployment:  Egypt and Guatemala face a high unemployment rate, creating a lack of job prospects after graduation.


significantly enhanced the transformation of the family (as well as Isabel’s elderly parents), the children’s education remained critical if the family is to achieve financial sustainability.  With no education and five children, Isabel relies on her sons to supplement the household income.

A College Scholarship

In 2021, FFF accepted Franklin into the college scholarship program.  As the oldest sibling, Franklin understood his responsibility as the “head” of the household.  He enrolled in online courses and continued to work in the fields to supplement his family’s income.  It became evident that the cell phone was limiting his coursework and progress —

So Franklin reached out to FFF asking for a computer:

“Dear FFF, Lately my work at the University is getting difficult for me since my cell phone does not have the capacity to do everything that the work asks of me (for example: table of contents, page numbering, borders, insert images, paste links, open links... Etc.).  Therefore, I am telling you about a computer that I need to do all my work, since I lose points and that can harm me a lot. 

I know that perhaps I am asking too much, because you have already given us food.  I understand that it is too much, however, my classes and jobs demand that I could have that computer.  I am determined to study, as long as I am healthy; nothing stops me.”

Sincerely, Franklin

"Education is the most powerful weapon which

you can use to change the world."  

- Nelson Mandela -


A Dream

Becoming Reality

Meet Franklin Pedro Antonio

As the oldest of three boys of a widowed mother, Franklin’s desire to get a degree remained a dream due to the meager finances of the household.  Without an education, Franklin would have to resign to a life of manual labor (like those before him) close to his home (a remote location in the western highlands of Guatemala).

Finding Freedom through Friendship (FFF) integrated the family into the widow program four years ago.  During these years, FFF constructed a home and provided monthly food staples for the family.  Although this support has

In the fall of 2022, FFF’s facilitators presented Franklin with a computer and a printer.  Franklin also received a uniform and a year’s subscription to an internet service.

Moving Forward To Graduation

“Dear FFF, Without the computer, I would not have any way to advance with my studies and complete my coursework.  And even when the internet signal is poor, I do not stop studying.   I continue to be excited to pursue this beautiful opportunity so that my dreams do not die.”

Sincerely, Franklin


Franklin’s graduation date is in mid-2024, making him the first college graduate in his surrounding village.  In July of 2023, Franklin completed his University practicum in Psychology; a process that involved teaching classes at the high school level.  This is an amazing accomplishment for a young man from a remote and isolated Mayan village.  FFF approaches each widow and her family holistically.  Upon Franklin’s graduation, the family will have received a house, nutrition, education fees for Franklin’s brother Arturo, and a college scholarship for Franklin.  The long-term success of this family rests on the shoulders of these determined and educated young men.