Finding Freedom through Friendship





Economically empowered women effectively influence their lives, children, and communities for sustainable transformations.

Our Community Development Program empowers individuals and communities to establish sustainable initiatives to improve their socioeconomic status and overcome financial oppression.  Our centers provide skill training, business management workshops, and access to micro-loans to ensure lifelong success and independence. 

Finding Freedom Through Friendship community initiatives partner with regional leaders

to build infrastructures and enhance access to local resources.

water filters

infrastructure enhancements


Community development initiatives play a vital role in empowering individuals living in impoverished

communities to take charge of their destinies.  Encouraging women to engage in business is fundamental

to promoting women's rights, gaining gender equality, and giving them autonomy. 


Today, with the increased focus on sustainability, many women entrepreneurs are engaged in eco-friendly and

various business sectors, including agriculture, retail, services, and technology.

Community development programs (Guatemala) include donations of

water filters, solar lights, and enhancement of infrastructures, such as road improvements.

high-quality products for starting a business are offered at a reduced price

access to capital


and grants)

business support,

networking, and access

to resource after training

training in business planning, financial

literacy, marketing,

and management

solar lights

Entrepreneurs are trained at FFF’s Karma Women’s Development Centers (KWDC) in agriculture, retail, services, and technology.  The most popular vocations are baking, hair styling, cosmetics, nails, technology, and sewing.  Mentorships, personal development, and business skills are integrated into the sessions. 


Our vocational training utilizes qualified, experienced trainers, using the highest quality supplies and equipment.

To assist female entrepreneurs in launching or expanding a business, the centers offer:

Finding Freedom Through Friendship realizes the impact of helping women learn a skill.

In 2017, FFF launched the first KWDC in El Minya, Egypt.

Since then, we have established three additional sites through a partnership with a sister organization:

Cairo, Egypt  •  El Khosous, Egypt  •  Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)  After skill training,

FFF mentors and helps individuals launch a business through grants and micro-loans.

Community development is a process that empowers people to participate in markets, access capital,

receive healthcare, and improve their living standards.  By providing skill-building programs, access to education, and creating economic opportunities, community development helps individuals become

self-sufficient and reduces their dependence on external aid.

Economic empowerment endorses sustainable development

and alleviates the socioeconomic status of individuals and communities.




Road Development


Planting Fruit Trees


Grocery Microbusiness


Sewing Product




The lack of light in rural Guatemala

has significant impacts on women

Without access to electricity, rural areas can become extremely dark at night, posing safety risks for women who may need to travel outdoors or perform tasks outside after sunset.  This lack of visibility can make them vulnerable to accidents, theft, or assault.  In households without electricity, studying after dark becomes challenging, hindering educational opportunities for women and girls. Without adequate lighting, reading and homework become difficult, potentially affecting academic performance and future prospects. Women often bear the responsibility for household chores, including cooking, cleaning, and caring for children.  Without electricity, these tasks become more time-consuming and challenging, particularly in the evenings when natural light fades.  Many rural women engage in income-generating activities such as handicrafts or small-scale agriculture.  Limited access to electricity can restrict their productivity and income-earning potential, as it may be difficult to work efficiently after dark.

What our solar lights provide

Donations of solar lights from Finding Freedom Through Friendships Community Development Program provide illumination after dark, enhancing the safety and security of women and their families. Solar lights enable children to study after dark, enhancing educational opportunities for girls and boys alike.  By extending study hours, solar lighting  improves academic performance and contributes to breaking the cycle of poverty in rural communities.

The Power of Light

The FFF donation of solar lights have had a transformative impact on the lives of  over 120 rural Guatemalan women.  These donations of vital light are one of the most sought-after community development resources FFF donates to the villages of rural Guatemala.


From Ashes to Beauty:

Meet Marina Awad

Initially, Marina Awad (26) and her husband, Rushdie, were able to make ends meet, but their financial situation deteriorated after the birth of their second child.  With no promotion at work in sight, Rushdie’s meager salary of 3500 pounds/month ($114) as a car mechanic was insufficient to provide for his growing family.  They also depended on donations to survive.  Marina and Rushdie have three children.  Selena (8) is in second Grade, Parthenia(6) is in first Grade, and Marcelino (5 months) stays home with Marina.

A Seed Planted in Good Soil

Rushdie needed Marina’s help, but according to custom in rural Egypt, a female cannot earn a salary.  A seed was planted in Marina’s heart when a friend introduced her to the Karma Women Development Center (KWDC or Karma).  Karma is recognized as a reputable training center in the El Minya region that offers many vocational training.

At first, Awad was hesitant and needed to feel more competent due to her lack of skill, knowledge, and experience. However, the instructor assured her that after completing the course, Awad would have the tools to run her business. 

A Right Fit

Marina excelled beyond expectation, and as she applied her newly developed skills, serving her close friends and neighbors and working from home, her reputation spread like wildfire.  

Soon, Awad had customers not only in her village but also in neighboring towns. She became very popular among women. Throughout this process, even after she completed the training course, her instructor provided guidance, advice, and support as she developed her business. 


From Seed To Dream

As she gained experience and competence, Marina was able to assist her husband in providing for their family’s needs.  

To top it off, they were able to put some money away in savings, enabling her to acquire tools and equipment.  Rushdie encouraged her to open a shop in central Minya for more people, businesses, and income.  With the help of friends, Marina finally found a shop adjacent to a house.  Family helped them move, and soon, she had a clientele that provided her family with a constant income stream.  

Marina works 50 hours a week and serves 25-30 clients weekly. She earns an average of 50 pounds per client ($2), or about 1300 pounds ($52) weekly. During busy seasons or for special occasions, Marina uses help, but primarily, she works by herself. Through continued specialized education at the Karma Center, Marina fell in love with gel and acrylic and added manicures and pedicures to her expertise.  

Marina acquired the tools of the trade, using profits to reinvest in her business. Within a short period, Marina has distinguished herself as an accomplished businesswoman. She overcame her insecurities and, through the Karma Center, discovered gifts and talents she might not otherwise have developed. Officials from the Karma Center recognized her potential and offered assistance in obtaining her dream of running a large beauty center.